Who am I? I am a person with a serious curiosity for the unknown, and a careful hopefulness that the world can be a better place.
Where am I and what am I doing here?
It all started when I got a job through the Belgian organisation Broederlijk Delen. Broederlijk Delen is a Belgian organisation which supports groups of people in the South to realise their own plans in their struggle against poverty and injustice.
One of these groups is OCADES (Organisation Catholique pour le Développement et la Solidarité). OCADES Ouahigouya has a project on water management (Programme Gestion de l’Eau or PGE) working with water availability, sanitation and efficient water use in 40 villages around Ouahigouya, in the dry north of Burkina Faso.
For the next two years I will be assisting the staff here at PGE to do their job even better than they are already doing.
ask a miracle for me during the next ceremony: vinden je number in belgie om je te horen, et plus si affinité!
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